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  • 5G Mobile Wireless Technology

    - preliminary details and information about the wireless technology being developed for 5th generation or 5G mobile wireless or cellular telecommunications systems


    With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed, eyes are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology and services.

    Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system takes many years, development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated. The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment.

    The new 5th generation, 5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020 with deployment following on afterwards.

    5G mobile systems status

    The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages. Very many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system. In addition to this a number of universities have set up 5G research units focussed on developing the technologies for 5G

    In addition to this the standards bodies, particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planning the 5G systems yet.

    Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner, they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system.

    The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements: superfast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs. Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted. As one commentator stated: 5G is not just a mobile technology. It is ubiquitous access to high & low data rate services.

    5G cellular systems overview

    As the different generations of cellular telecommunications have evolved, each one has brought its own improvements. The same will be true of 5G technology.

    • First generation, 1G:   These phones were analogue and were the first mobile or cellular phones to be used. Although revolutionary in their time they offered very low levels of spectrum efficiency and security.
    • Second generation, 2G:   These were based around digital technology and offered much better spectrum efficiency, security and new features such as text messages and low data rate communications.
    • Third generation, 3G:   The aim of this technology was to provide high speed data. The original technology was enhanced to allow data up to 14 Mbps and more.
    • Fourth generation, 4G:   This was an all-IP based technology capable of providing data rates up to 1 Gbps.

    Any new 5th generation, 5G cellular technology needs to provide significant gains over previous systems to provide an adequate business case for mobile operators to invest in any new system.

    Facilities that might be seen with 5G technology include far better levels of connectivity and coverage. The term World Wide Wireless Web, or WWWW is being coined for this.

    For 5G technology to be able to achieve this, new methods of connecting will be required as one of the main drawbacks with previous generations is lack of coverage, dropped calls and low performance at cell edges. 5G technology will need to address this.

    5G specifications

    Although the standards bodies have not yet defined the parameters needed to meet a 5G performance level yet, other organisations have set their own aims, that may eventually influence the final specifications.

    Typical parameters for a 5G standard may include:


    Network capacity 10 000 times current network
    Peak data rate 10 Gbps
    Cell edge data rate 100 Mbps
    Latency < 1 ms


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  • At least 9 killed in Ethiopia student riots: Government

    At least nine people have been killed and 70 injured at student protests in southern Ethiopia this week, including in a grenade attack, the government said in a statement late Thursday. The government blamed "anti-peace" forces for inciting violence, while opposition groups accused the police of brutality. According to a statement on the state news agency, mass demonstrations caused "loss of lives and property" in several university towns in Oromia, Ethiopia's largest region. The riots, which began Wednesday after "students confused by deliberately misleading rumours and gossips created havoc", had been brought under control, it added. Five people were killed in Ambo, about 125 kilometres (80) south of Addis Ababa, and another three people killed near Bidire, about 415 kilometres (260 miles) from the capital, the statement read, without giving details on how they died. A hand grenade killed one person and injured 70 in Alem Maya, 366 kilometres (230 miles) east of Addis Ababa. According to local media reports, the students were protesting government proposals to extend its administrative control to several towns in Oromia, sparking fears of land grabs. "The students... tried to show their grievances by submitting their questions to the local government but the answer they got was beatings, killing, harassment and coercion," Bekele Nega, secretary of the Oromia Federal Congress party, told AFP

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  • How to Spend Money Wisely

    Do you hate it when you really need money, but your wallet is empty? No matter how little or how much money you have, spending it wisely is a good idea; it allows you to get the most bang for your buck. But how do you spend money wisely? People actually tend to overspend in a few specific areas; following the steps below will improve your overall pocketbook health.

    Method 1 of 4: Spending Basics


    1,Come up with a budget. Financial experts suggest you track your spending for a few months so that you start work on your budget knowing where your money is going. If you are bad about saving receipts for cash purchases, keep a notebook with you, to write down all cash purchases as you make them. Additionally, make a list of your monthly expenses, using your bills and the information you gather. Review this list to determine where you can reduce expenses and by how much.

    Avoid impulse buying.
     Before making any purchase, ask yourself a few simple questions, and be honest with your answers. Only move on to the next question if you can answer yes to the current one. If you cannot get all the way through the questions, it is probably an impulse buy and you should pass it up.

    • Do I need it?
    • Will I use it?
    • Is this the best price I can get on it?
    • Does it add value to my life or my estate?

    3,Shop around regularly for utilities and insurance.
     Many service providers count on customers sticking with the services simply because it is easier than shopping for another one regularly. If it has been more than a year since you purchased your cell or home phone service, cable or satellite package, internet service, or car, home, or health insurance, shop around and make sure you are still getting the best more 


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  • ውሀና ጠቀሜታዎቹ

    ከመተኛትዎ በፊት አንድ ብርጭቆ ውሃ ይጠጡ፡፡ ስትሮክን እና የልብ ህመምን ለመከላከል ይረዳዎታልና 
    ጠዋት ከእንቅልፍዎ እንደተነሱ 2 ብርጭቆ ውሃ ከጠጡ ውስጣዊ የሰውነት አካላትዎን ለማነቃቃት ያግዝዎታል፡፡ 
    ሻወር ከመውሰድዎ በፊት አንድ ብርጭቆ ውሃ የሚጠጡ ከሆነ ከፍተኛ የደም ግፊትን ለመከላከል ይጠቅሞታል፡፡ 
    ከምግብ በፊት አንድ ብርጭቆ ውሃ መጠጣት ለምግብ መንሸራሸር ይረዳል 
    ምግብ ከመመገብዎ 30 ደቂቃ በፊት በቂ ውሃ ይጠጡ፡፡ ብዙ ባለመመገብ የሰውነት ክብደትዎን ለመቀነስ እንዲችሉ ያግዞታል፡፡

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