In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll talk about creating a dramatic battle style poster stealing some of the style of UFC and traditional boxing posters which will give us a dramatic and very colorful poster showing the head-to-head election battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Who will win!?
Download the finished PSD and the RAW file here:
Download concrete texture here:
Here is a list of what we’ll cover:
Using the Camera RAW editor.
Smoothing tones in our image with Reduce Noise.
How I use Google Images to find suitable photos. (for personal projects)
Using Select and Mask to cut out Hillary and Trump.
Dodge and Burn with a 50% gray layer.
Adjustment layers to create color and tone.
Adding texture with a picture of concrete.
Color grade with a Gradient Map.
Adding text and creating the glowing cutout effect.
Smoothing and sharpening the image with High Pass and grain.
And much more!!
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- Educational | Tutorial Photoshop