Yehunie Belay - "መማር" MEMAR New Single Video Clip


Yehunie Belay is receiving his Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems.

Yehunie Belay will go down as one of our most noteworthy graduates of all time. His is a world renowned musician and artist originally from Ethiopia who now resides in the Wash. DC area. He and his wife, known as Mama Tutu” have a very successful publishing and media enterprise and are raising two very smart and talented children. As editor of a monthly Ethiopian community newspaper, Yehunie has demonstrated the ability to not only connect with people musically but intellectually. Assisting his wife Tutu with the publishing of the 20th edition of the Ethiopian Yellow Pages and supporting her various community organization responsibilities makes him a wonderful husband. While he has exposed his children to the creative arts, one has entered college with another on the way he has demonstrated what it means to be a great father. Navigating his way from being a very popular singer in Ethiopia, to his current world-wide sold out appearances on stage and best-selling CDs, Yehunie was able to focus on his school subjects with intensity and focus. Taking his time, he first acquired his associate’s degree and now has earned his Bachelor Science in Computer Information Systems. Yehunie is now a role model not only for his children but for everyone to look up to and admire his accomplishments.

Amharic Video Music Music Clips
yihune belay, music, yihune graduation
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