Show Las Vegas Special - TechTalk With Solomon - Season 10 Episode 04 - [Part 3] | Talk Show


Here is Part 3 of my special show from Las Vegas. I did the show right from the venue of Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the #1 tech innovation show in the world with 4,000 companies showing off their cool stuff. About 150,000 attendees, of which 30,000 are media people were present at the event. In this part, I talk about 3D printed car, Driverless Cars, Electric Cars, 5G, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, an amazing smartphone with 3D camera and display, and some fun facts about Las Vegas!
በላስ ቬጋስ ከተማ በተካሄደውና በዓለም ላይ 1ኛ ከሆነው የቴክኖሎጂ ፈጠራ የትዕይንት ስፍራ ሆኜ ያዘጋጀሁት የ3ኛውን ክፍል ፕሮግራም እነሆ!!

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