Robot Police, NASA Jupiter Mission, Sweden Electric Road & More - TechTalk With Solomon - S9 Ep.1 | Talk Show
Robots in policing and as a security guard, NASA's amazing mission to Jupiter, The first electric road in Sweden, and football analytics technology.
የሮቦቶች በፖሊስና በጥበቃ ስራ መሰማራት፣ የናሳ ኣስገራሚ የጁፒተር ጉዞ፣ የመጀመሪያው በስዊድን ሃገር የተሰራ የኤክትሪክ መንገድ፣ እና ስለ እግር ኳስ ተንታኝ ቴክኖሎጂ።

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