
31 Mind Blowing HIDDEN Hotkeys of Photoshop CC! | Educational


These are 31 hotkeys in Photoshop that are both useful and that you probably have never heard of or even used before. We’re going to cover so much in this video and we’re going to do it pretty fast! Please LIKE and SHARE this video if you enjoyed it!

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We will cover:
1.) Precise Brushing Mode - Caps Lock
2.) Clipping Mask - Alt/Opt + G
3.) Fill and Preserve Transparency - Shift + Alt/Opt + Backspace/Delete
4.) Camera RAW Switching Panels - Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + 1-9
5.) Create Filled Layer Mask - Alt/Opt + Click
6.) Copy from Multiple Layers - Shift+Cmd+C
7.) Load Channel as a Selection - Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + Shift + 2-5
8.) Hide/Show Layer(s) - Cmd/Ctrl + ,
9.) Cycle through Brushes - "," or "."
10.) Open Adjustment w/ Previous Settings - Add Alt/Opt to Adjustment Hotkey
11.) Last Filter w/ Dialog Box to Adjust - Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + F
12.) Choose Different Layer Styles - Cmd/Ctrl + 0-9
13.) Drag in and Center image - Hold Shift Key
14.) Create New Layer Behind - Cmd/Ctrl + Click
15.) Load Path as a Selection - Cmd/Ctrl + Enter/Return
16.) Find Free Transform Handles - Cmd+T and then Cmd+0
17.) Bird’s Eye View - Hold “H” and drag
18.) Flip Tool Usage - Alt/Opt
19.) Show/Hide Marching Ants - Cmd/Ctrl + H
20.) Align Text Left, Center, Right - Cmd-Shift-L/C/R
21.) Show/Hide Guides - Cmd/Ctrl + ;
22.) Show/Hide Rulers - Cmd/Ctrl + R
23.) Temporarily Disable Snapping - Ctrl key
24.) Hotkey Select “Deep” Tools in Toolbar - Shift + Hotkey
25.)Panel Control in UI - Tab & Shift + Tab
26.) Nudge Points on Curves Line - Arrow Keys & Ctrl/Tab to go to next point
27.) Cycle Through Tools in Toolbar - Alt/Opt + Click Icons
28.) Navigate Document - Mouse Wheel + Cmd/Ctrl & Mouse Wheel
29.) Mouse Wheel to Zoom - Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + Mouse Wheel
30.) Select Layer Contents in Layers Panel - Cmd/Ctrl + Click w/ Move Tool
31.) Duplicate and Nudge Graphic - Alt/Opt + Arrow (add shift to nudge 10px)

See it on the website: http://tutvid.com/photoshop-tutorials/the-31-hidden-hotkeys-of-photoshop-cc/


Educational | Tutorial Lightroom
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